Saturday, November 2, 2013

Saying Goodbye

Even though Sid sold two weeks ago, school has been so crazy I didn't get to go and officially say goodbye till last weekend. I'm happy I din't wait any longer as I guess he left the sales farm this morning. Of course it was really, really sad, but sending him away for this whole process was the smart way to go. And the amount of work I have in my class has made me even more positive that it was definitely the right decision to sell. All of that said though, If I'd had to do it myself I don't think I could have. Looking at his cute face everyday would have been too much. So, being that I don't really have time to write anything thoughtful I took a bunch of pics and will let those do the talking. The weather was really horrific so please excuse the weird outfit. It is WA after all. 
Silly cheeky baby horse wonders why I even bothered  to come if I didn't bring carrots.
Also my laughing while crying face is not attractive. 
BF has the great idea to just give him his favorite- wild growing "spikey weeds"
I taught him to "make that face"- the finger in the air is the command. His new owner doesn't even know :(
No more messing around, really time to go. Our last picture together
He watched me walk alllllllll the way to the car, like he always does. Whenever I'm on the property with him he never takes his eyes off me. 

In other news, Svenna is still cute, even though I continue to take only unflattering pictures of her that make her appear very strangely conformed. And I finally found a dressage girth short enough to fit her (18"!!), so we put on the treeless dressage saddle for the first time today (Heather Moffet/enlightened equitation brand that I bought as a "back up" for when my treed saddles were not fitting/needing to be adjusted etc).

It was insanely windy, and I don't think she was super thrilled with my decision to ride anyways. I think her face says it all:

Burr-lets just eat food and snuggle inside

Anyway, I'm hoping to get some video of us together soon, as I really feel like she is starting to "get it". I'll for sure post it here so that everyone can see what a cute, sassy little thing she is under saddle. Also a jumping update coming soon!


  1. :-( I'm sure Sid is going to an awesome home.

    Svenna is adorable. Glad you have her pony mane to play with. I love it long like that.
