Saturday, December 7, 2013

Cute, or Cutest Ever?


Makes my day every time she does it! It has been SO COLD, and I think she's loving it. Today the high was 31 and the low of 7. Jeeze. At least its sunny I guess?? But all this cold has her fresher than I've ever seen her. It's hilarious. She actually has a hell of a buck, which is good in my know what they say, good buckers make good jumpers!!

I've been doing a ton of work with Svenna, both low pressure bareback and trail rides as well as pushing her in the arena. We had a bit of a discussion today about her responsiveness level, and by the end she was MUCH sharper on the aids. Lots and lots of walk-trot-halt-back transitions helped to soften her in the bridle and take more weight behind. Hopefully it sticks and we can have a quick easy no fuss ride tomorrow. I'm a big believer in the get what you want and get off, but today I really made her huff and puff!

Also I finally set up a time to meet Svenna's old mommy...I'm really excited, and I have a lot of questions for her!

Svenna's Beautiful Mommy!
For anyone who is interested I have done some digging about Svenna's breeding (certainly not a procrastination tactic with a big o-chem final on Monday....) and found some interesting stuff.
Her momma (owned by Willow's Edge Farm, which has some super horses). She is supposedly the smallest Fjord in the world, at only 12.2! I'm lucky that Svenna turned out so "big", if 14.2 can be called big.

I don't know much about her daddy and the website has only one pic of him. He looks to be the very heavy big and tall drafty type. He comes from what appears to be a super traditional fjord breeding program South Dakota.

Finally I found her registration baby pics! She was such a precious baby horse. Really. Look how spunky and adorable! I cannot get enough, I think I am totally hooked on Fjords. I can't wait to take Svenna to the Libby, Montana "Nordic Fest" Fjord show to get her inspected. It happens in September, so we've got a long wait. Washington state has more Fjords than any other state (supposedly. A Fjord breeder her told) so I am keeping my eye out for Fjordy events in the area between now an then.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Missing Sid

I love Svenna. I really do. She's been just what I need over the last few months, and I know I'll continue to enjoy her. All that being said, there are times when I really miss Sid. He was such a nice horse to ride. I get regular updates from his new mommy, which is sweet.....but tough. They are working towards things that Svenna will never get to do. Which brings me to one of my most recent realizations: I need to stop comparing the two horses! They are COMPLETELY different, and they are supposed to be. That's why I picked her. Sigh.

Gift wrapped!
Anyway, some pics of Svenna in her new (admittedly ugly and inadvertently Christmas themed) blankie. She's so damn cute. I've been trail riding like a crazy person and she's been amazing. We've seen strollers, kids, cars, other horses, emus (yes really!!) flocks of geese, and cows and nothing bothers her. She loves to trot out in company and is really enjoying the chilly (read: SO COLD) weather.

 So I've written before about how crazy smart she is, but I think she is even cuter when she's being kinda dopey. See that pic which her pulling up the edge of the mat? Yea...she got her face down far enough, and the mat up high enough so that when she let it go with her foot she'd smack herself in the face with the mat. Repeatedly. I was dying laughing. She was almost not even struggling or freaking out in the cross ties. Just bored and being over dramatic about it!

Her progress under saddle has been super. Picking up the canter much better, being more forward, all the usual baby steps. The important news is that we are having a JUMPING lesson on Friday or Saturday. I'm totally excited...we've been doing lots of poles and a few teeny tiny crossrails here and there, but I want to see what she does with a jump she can't just trot over.

So hopefully I have a good update later in the week. I'm on break for Thanksgiving so able to do a bit more riding/writing. And studying. Always more studying. Blah. I've been using my new ochem skills to research metabolic supplements for my fatty mare, so at least I'm using it for something, right??

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

More than just a pretty face

My schedule is still crazy busy but I had a friend come to the farm so I could finally get some pics of me actually riding the ponster. She's doing super dumb blond here! I can hardly make a shape or do a certain exercise more than once without her feeling like she's got it all figured out. Her biggest "flaw" is still how stiff she is, but she is making huge strides in terms of learning to move over her back instead of the typical pony nose-in-the-air no bend routine that she started with. 

Tiny pony strides are getting longer

She's never going to be some super athletic big moving horse, but that's ok...I just need her to soften up, everywhere. She's WAY better than a few weeks ago, but still has a tendency to drag when she isn't sure what I'm asking or just plain doesn't want to do it. I'm having a lot of fun with her, and I'm curious to see how "nice" I can make her in terms of suppleness/gaits/responsiveness. Like I said, she's wicked smart, and is now very respectful and tries to be obedient, so the rest will come with strength and time. I'm excited, I love a project!
I know I asked about bits a few weeks ago and I thought I'd give an update on that front. After trying a few things I've ended up with a myler, a brand I've never had before. It's technically a kimberwick, but it has no real port and I've wrapped the bars of the bit and the curb strap with latex so it's nice and soft now. Also it articulates to the left and right so it's much clearer about left vs right than just a straight bar. There is very little leverage, and I mostly ride on the top rein, but the bottom rein is great to have when I need it. 

I still put her back in the HS D to check her progress periodically, as I would like to get her back in something dressage approved eventually, but for now its just what we need and makes riding a lot more pleasant!

She's much better in the canter, I'm making lots of circles and trying to help her get her balance. All her gaits are pretty downhill, which I'm thinking is as much about lack of strength and balance as it is about training. I'm SURE no one has ever asked her to sit down on her hocks before, so part of it is getting lost in translation, but for now I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt that she's chubby and unfit. Still cute as can be though!!!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Saying Goodbye

Even though Sid sold two weeks ago, school has been so crazy I didn't get to go and officially say goodbye till last weekend. I'm happy I din't wait any longer as I guess he left the sales farm this morning. Of course it was really, really sad, but sending him away for this whole process was the smart way to go. And the amount of work I have in my class has made me even more positive that it was definitely the right decision to sell. All of that said though, If I'd had to do it myself I don't think I could have. Looking at his cute face everyday would have been too much. So, being that I don't really have time to write anything thoughtful I took a bunch of pics and will let those do the talking. The weather was really horrific so please excuse the weird outfit. It is WA after all. 
Silly cheeky baby horse wonders why I even bothered  to come if I didn't bring carrots.
Also my laughing while crying face is not attractive. 
BF has the great idea to just give him his favorite- wild growing "spikey weeds"
I taught him to "make that face"- the finger in the air is the command. His new owner doesn't even know :(
No more messing around, really time to go. Our last picture together
He watched me walk alllllllll the way to the car, like he always does. Whenever I'm on the property with him he never takes his eyes off me. 

In other news, Svenna is still cute, even though I continue to take only unflattering pictures of her that make her appear very strangely conformed. And I finally found a dressage girth short enough to fit her (18"!!), so we put on the treeless dressage saddle for the first time today (Heather Moffet/enlightened equitation brand that I bought as a "back up" for when my treed saddles were not fitting/needing to be adjusted etc).

It was insanely windy, and I don't think she was super thrilled with my decision to ride anyways. I think her face says it all:

Burr-lets just eat food and snuggle inside

Anyway, I'm hoping to get some video of us together soon, as I really feel like she is starting to "get it". I'll for sure post it here so that everyone can see what a cute, sassy little thing she is under saddle. Also a jumping update coming soon!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

It's official

I now only own ponies. Sid's new mom seems great, but it's just heartbreaking. Every little thing sets me off...the show clothes going to storage,  his blankets, boots, and bridles in every closet, pics of our first show on the mantel. The whole apartment is like a shrine to Sid. He isn't leaving the farm he's at for a while, so I'm going to go say goodbye next weekend. To top it all off I just got the professional pics from a few weeks ago. Someday when I'm a little less worked up over it I'll get my favorite framed:

I know it's the right decision for both of us, and I wish him and his new mommy all the best.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Svenna the trail mare!

After living through the first exam, I decided I deserved to have some much needed pony time! We ventured out on the trail with a friend of ours, with her on her very steady horse. The friend, however, is extremely nervous anyway, so we didn't make it far the first day. It was actually ok, all things considered, because Svenna really has done no "suburban" trail riding. She has spend a fair amount of time out in the mountains, but our trails are full of bikers, joggers, strollers, dogs, and the dreaded roller skaters! We even ran into a llama pulling a cart one day! Much different than trees, trees, and more trees, which is what she's used to.

Proof that there is occasionally sun in October
But despite all the hustle and bustle she was really well behaved, which really is no surprise. She just seems to take everything in stride. We went out for a much longer trail again yesterday with a different duo, a 17 hh WBx out for his first trail, and Svenna was a very good security blanket. And she kept up fine, which actually did surprise me! I thought I'd be trotting to catch up the whole time.

She's also been making a lot of progress in the ring, learning to bend that giant thick neck and relax her jaw. She's pretty darn athletic for her type, and I'm excited to introduce her to jumping. She has such a quick mind that I think she'll love it. We've been trotting over poles on the ground, and while she's a bit wiggly (which she is all the time if I'm honest) she always goes right over and doesn't try to evade too much. She's starting to get the hang of going sideways at the walk, and learning to differentiate when I'm asking her to move her haunches vs shoulder. Moving her body parts independently is going to be a huge step for her, as she tends to have the sort of tight, stiff, thick little pony body that wants to just careen around on the forehand.

Back to gray days in the PNW 

The canter is our biggest project at this point, and I'm basically happy with her if she picks up the right lead in a reasonable amount of time and keeps cantering until I ask her to stop. I throw in a few circles, but she is a horrible drifter. She was always ridden on the rail I suspect, because she does not know what to do with herself when she's not glued to it. But as long as I keep my whip in the outside hand, I don't have tooooo many problems with her diving back to the rail, but god forbid I forget me whip! I think that a lot of the "misbehavior" at the canter will resolve itself as she gets stronger/more coordinated/more comfortable in the gait. All in all, I am totally smitten with her, and she has been too much fun so far!

Also, I'll hopefully have a big Sid update in the next few days...keep your fingers crossed for me!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Ready, set....whine!

The same level of grump as me after 7 HOURS of lab. 
Turns out the bitting discussion was kind of a moot point, as I hardly have time to ride anyways. I'm at school till 8 or 9 every night, and have classes from 8:30 to 4 Tuesday through Friday. Not much time for anything really. My classes are really, really, REALLY hard. I have literally never been as bad at anything IN MY LIFE as organic chemistry. Not that biochem is super fun either. Ugh. I have my first exam on Tuesday, so I really shouldn't even be checking in here. But seriously I am driving myself crazy. And what looks better? The beautiful autumn stable:


or this horrific beast of a molecule?

Joy of joys!!
The first one. Duh. It's fall, which means beautiful riding weather, perfect hiking weather, great baking inspiration and time to do nothing. It's a good thing campus is so pretty, because the only time I get outside is when I'm hysterically running to and from tutoring/lab/class. 

Pretty colors
Yes, I know I'm super lucky to be in this situation where I get to have the cutest dog in the world, be a full time (non working) student, and have the best pony ever. I know I'm being a bit self pitying. But jeeze, personal growth is HARD!!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

A "bit" of a quandry

Since getting Svenna I've been riding her in a HS two jointed D-ring (granted it's only been 5 times!). For the last several years, since being predominantly a dressage person I've been riding ONLY in loose ring/weymouth HS or kk Ultra bits, just various shapes/sizes/joints/diamiters etc. It's basically worked pretty well, especially because as a dressage rider you spend so much time developing contact that you could train your horse to go in almost anything. 
Before becoming a DQ I rode jumpers, and I almost always jumped them in something with a straight rubber/happymouth/or wrapped in latex mouthpiece, but with different points/amounts of leverage or lack thereof. I love the feel of jumping in a straight mouthpiece, but did all of my flatting on the jumpers in my "magic" bit, a 3 piece antique (literally) copper snaffle with 4 spinning rings that covered the middle piece. that I have Miss Svenna I have been thinking about what would work best on her bit wise. I'm not thrilled with how she goes in the HS D ring.

I just had her teeth done, so it's not that. She's just very hard in the bridle. And for no reason. It's sort of the typical pony grabby thing, excepts all the time. She just takes up a lot of contact and tries to avoid turning by just sort of setting her jaw and ignoring. Now, she's pretty green to begin with, so I don't want to over bridle her or anything, but I would have a little more bridle so I don't have to pull so hard sometimes! I hate pulling on them, but I am certainly not going to let my little pony drag me all over the farm. Even though she's kinda green, she's a super trail horse, and I would like a little more bridle to trail ride in, as a "just in case" sort of precaution. It's nice to not have a bit discussion about turning!!

Out for a hack in bedhead
So, all that being said, I'm thinking about playing around with some different bit options. Maybe a full cheek for the intrem while she's learning to turn a bit better? Maybe a little two rein pelham so I have a snaffle or a bit of a "check" rein?  Maybe I should just be patient? I dunno. 

She is an absolute snuggle bugger, she wants her pets even before her grain! And she is already way more obedient, light, and forward under saddle which is super. Also today we cantered some circles both ways, even though I had to chase her into it both times. I took some more standing around pics today while she was begging for food over the fence...she's just so cute!

What a bod!
Tail needs work though...
So, what do you all think about the bitting issue? Should I wait it out or play with some new options? What do you ride in?

Also, got my two point challenge time today: 3:16! I'm shocked I lasted that long...must be all that elliptical cross training!!

Monday, September 30, 2013

My lil pony

So I've pretty much been blissed out in pony land for the last 3 days. Svenna has been great, I've ridden twice, despite horrific weather (including a tornado! In the PNW???). The person who delivered her on Friday forgot a halter, so loaded and unloaded her with just a rope around her neck...she is that good natured. She is super super sweet and snuggly, to the point that I occasionally have to tell her to back off. I have always coddled my horses a little bit too much and allowed them to be in my space, and I'm going to try really hard not to let that happen this time.

She is quite a bit more green than I was expecting, and a little more wiggly in the crossties, but she doesn't make me nervous at all, even when she's being kind of a butthead pony. She is not at all spooky, I rode her all over the farm today in a rare spot of sun and she was very good.

Also, cutest thing ever today, I went to get Svenna out of her field and called her, and she lifted her head and nickered to me! As if that is not enough, she came galloping over to the fence. Seriously. It was the most adorable thing I've ever seen.

Anyway, tomorrow is the first day of school (latest start ever I know) and I have organic chemistry on the brain! I've done like 60 pages of reading and taken about a bajillion notes so I'm all ready, but still very nervous.

No news on Sid from the trainer...I'm assuming that's good!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Meet Svenna!

Looking for apples!
She is a total sweetie, but with this really cute cheeky personality. She is a 6 coming 7 year fjord, 14.2, and of lighter type for a fjord, although not light by most standards haha. She's had a lot of trail training and done some "extreme trail challenge" type stuff too, but otherwise pretty green in the ring. I feel totally comfortable with her, and just like to hang out with her.

But she is quite different than my old ride!!

Pretending to be dressagy

The field she is currently living in has barbed wire fence, and I am stressing so hard that she will get tangled up during the night before she gets delivered tomorrow. Of course I am also stressing about everything going well for the accidents etc. I can't help it, I'm a worrier!!

But.....the biggest, most important question.....should I cut her mane in the traditional fjord way?? I like that it looks neater, and there are a lot of possibilities. I haven't had too many horses where I can leave the mane long and flowing though , so that's sort of intriguing too. 
Many mane possibilities!!!
I like some of the snazzier mane hairdos, but I can't tell how much upkeep that takes. Sid's mane is normally halfway down his neck before I get around to pulling it lol. 

Sid Update: We pre-vetted him and it went great....yay! He got professional photos and video today, and I guess there is some interest. I'm still so sad about it, I cry every night, but honestly I think that having the new horse as a distraction is going to be really good for me. 

So anyway, hoping that everything goes smoothly and I can update tomorrow that Svenna is home and doing well. We'll see!!!!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

I am a crazy person!

I have a vet check on a horse tomorrow!!!!! I am very excited. She is pretty much 100% the opposite of Sid. The pinto horse did not work out, and in my state of depression over that I went and saw a horse that I was sort of "whatever" about, and it's love! It's a rare-ish breed, similar to a haflinger, but that's all I'm saying...I don't want to jinx it. If all goes well at the vetting I'll post some pics tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed!!!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Horse shopping continues!

Despite having a horse coming in for a trial on Sunday, I can't seem to stop looking!! I'm seeing at least one a day until the new horse comes in....the reason for my nerves about the trial horse? he seems sort of behind where he should be training wise for 6 coming 7. 

But after seeing the horse I looked at today, I don't really know if there is anything to worry about! The horse I rode today was really fun, but almost TOO quiet and TOO finished. Crazy things to say, I know. But there is not much to do here in the winter with horses other than ride in the indoor (due to rain) and I just feel like I would have nothing to work on! She was absolutely sweet and adorable though, and I jumped around for the first time in a long time. 

Damn you hunter hunch! 
I'm not super excited to see the next two horses, but you really can't tell what they are till you go see! I can't tell if I'm being really indecisive or if I'm being smart by exploring all options. Ugh. Also I'm shopping by myself 99% of the time right now (unless my non horsey BF comes with) so I'm being even a little more wishy washy than normal cuz there is no one to back me up!

Also, a question to anyone/everyone: Do you have any horse shopping "tricks"? For instance, a horse I'm seriously interested I will ALWAYS lunge the horse at a trot on a small (long lead rope length) circle on hard ground. It makes any unsoundness really obvious and has saved me from many an unnecessary vet check. It was actually something recommended to me by my vet when I was horse shopping a lot years ago. Curious to see if anyone else has little things they always do when trying a horse. 

Monday, September 16, 2013

Sid is at the sale barn

Luckily I've been really really busy getting ready for school to start, so I haven't had too much time for uncontrollable crying jags. I saw him off on Saturday morning, and will probably go see him in his new digs later in the week. He's getting pre-vetted on Wednesday, with xrays and everything, so fingers crossed. He has super clean 2 year old xrays and has never been even a tiny bit off, but current xrays are a policy of the sale barn. He'll also be getting some professional photos and video in the next two weeks or so. This is the first time I've ever had to sell a horse at a sales facility, and wow...lots of prep, which turns out to be very expensive (shocker I know).

Yep, for 6 hours. 
In more exciting news, I've been horse shopping a bit (ok lots). Because I start school on October 1st and I will be slammed until next summer (thank you o chem, microbio, and biochem!) I would ideally like to pick something fun, cute, easy and SMALL in the next two/three weeks. It's turning out to be kind of a tall order. It's also very emotional because nothing makes you appreciate your own horse like riding someone else's!

Super mare with a fun personality, but a bit green for what I need
So the darling BF and I have been discovering the beautiful state of Washington through horse shopping! We have, at this point, literally covered the whole state, east, west, north and south. It's been fun, but I just want something to ride/pet/play with already! Luckily I have not met TOO many crazy lying horse people. For the most part (like the guy helping me onto the fjord) everyone has been incredible and gracious, even when I tell them "thanks, but not for me."

I looked at a few fjords, I adore my icelandic and the fjords seem like they might fit the bill: quiet, sporty, sturdy, and versatile. Unfortunately there are just not that many of them, so I looked at two with no luck and had to move on.  It's really hard for me to stop sport horse shopping and start pleasure horse shopping.
Beautiful farm
 However....I have a horse coming on trial next weekend!!!! Not to jinx it though. I'm super excited, he's really cute, quiet, and unspoiled. But still a major departure from what I'm used to size and training wise. So meet the new potential horsie:

Only ~15 hands
 Is he darn cute or what?? I hope it works out, but you never know with horses. It's really nice of the owner to let me take him on trial. I don't get him till next weekend, but I can hardly wait. So anyway, more finger crossing that I get to acquire my first pinto soon!
That face!!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Photographic evidence!

I've been riding Sid again! He's an absolute doll. Its the most remarkable thing...I'm really not scared of him at all. I thought I would be, but we just fell back into the same rhythm that we used to have. He is SO much fun to ride.
Not super flattering of him, but the only one where I'm not squinting.
So. The bad news. And the reason I've been absent. He's for sale, and I am so, so, so (a million so's) sad about it. I love him, he's so fun, he's the horse I've always wanted and finally got, he's nice enough to do the FEI stuff. But right now I'm beginning to realize that my first priority is medical school, and the next few years will not allow enough time to ride much, let alone show. He is not a horse you can hop on 3 times a week without receiving some serious attitude, and 3 days a week is what I have right now, and probably will be for a while. Everyone in my life supports me, and agrees that it is the right thing to do, but that really doesn't make it any easier. I've been up crying over him every night, I'm truly heartbroken. I've sold a lot of horses, but never ever felt so crappy about it. 

So anyway, I'm sort of in the throws of horse selling and horse shopping and it's all kinda sucky. But I'll get through it, Sid will end up with a fantastic home that loves, appreciates, and uses him, and I'll get something I can just hop on with no drama. Or at least that's what I keep trying to convince myself. 

Also photographic evidence of his cuteness.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

So I've been busy, and busy thinking.

Busy, busy, busy! I spent a few days away from the horses learning to sail, and I'm now ASA certified to sail boats of about 20 feet! That's right, I now have the TWO most expensive hobbies in the world. Anyway, I really enjoyed myself and am going again on Thursday...I want to do as much as I can before school starts up again and the weather gets (really) bad.

I've also been going to the barn and building my confidence on the ground by grooming some of the older horses who don't get much attention from their owners. I am feeling really good, in general, and have been riding and grooming and tacking up. I am so incredibly sore every time I ride haha but I always can't wait to get back on.

My first victim! My non-horsie boyfriend's favorite!
Old itchy mare! She was the most grateful, and now nickers at me when she sees me.
Yesterday I went to visit Sid. He was looking good, even better than last week...he is much steadier in the bridle and less wiggly in his canter transitions. The discipline is so good for him; it's not that he's bad, but 5 days a week is certainly not too much for him. Last winter I could consistently do 4 days, and he lives in a very big pasture so I thought that was enough to keep him occupied, but now I'm thinking I'll have to step it up this year. The problem with that? I'm a 4th year pre-med. "Free time" does not exist for me. My classes are even harder, and my schedule is such that I'll be at school from 8:30- 4 four days a week. Riding is something that needs to be a happy, nonstressful escape from homework, tests, MCAT study etc.

Right now I'm worrying that accident or not, Sid is not the right horse for my lifestyle at this point. I'ts not like my schedule will be letting up any time soon, in fact I'll only get busier for the next 4/5 years at the least. I'm worried that I need to trade down, so to speak, to something I can hop on and just ride 3 days a week. Logically I can think this through and say that it makes sense, but emotionally it is totally paralyzing. He's my baby, we have such big goals, he's my dream show horse, and I KNOW I'll regret selling him. But that doesn't mean it's not the right thing to do. It is literally making me sick thinking about selling him, and I haven't made any decisions. I've committed to leaving him with the trainer through September so I have time to get back on him, and think about it, and decide to sell, keep, or just leave him in the holding pattern he's in now.

I'm heartbroken. What do you think? Are there any grad school students out there who manage to ride too? 
But how can I say no to this face???

Monday, August 19, 2013

I visited Sid at bootcamp...

Cheeky expression
He's doing great! His body looks good, he's gaining strength, and getting more balanced. He's still the same big cheeky baby I left a few weeks ago, but the consistency and discipline is really good for him. I'm the one that broke him and has done most of the work on him, and I think it's really healthy for horses to get worked/ridden by other people. I want him to be the type that anyone can get on and enjoy.

Pre-ride briefing

There is not too much to talk about training wise...he is just getting steadier and steadier. He's only 5 now, and ~17.1. so a big boy...because of it he still has a bit of trouble with balance. He is not bad/naughty, but he does get frustrated with work from time to time. Britt has been doing a bit of lunging over caveletti which she said is really helping. The lighting in the arena was terrible for picture taking (sunny outside, but riding in a covered ring), and for some reason it was very difficult to get a clear action shot today, but I did what I could. Luckily he's handsome enough to improve any picture :)

Slightly above the bridle, but nicely over the back and at least trying to move uphill. 

Nice and supple...this is why he is so fun to ride!

All in all I'm thrilled with how he's going, and really happy with the way Britt is bringing him along. I'm going back next Tuesday to watch him work again, and to take a lesson on one of her other horses! I cant wait! 

I'll be headed out to the stable where Sid is usually stabled on Thursday and Friday to groom some old lesson horses and hopefully start getting some confidence back on the ground. I'll update on that soon!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Recap from the trip "home"

I just got back to WA after visiting my parents in San Diego. I was there for a week and had time to do some awesome horsie stuff (including riding, covered in the last post). I thought I'd do a quick recap before I dive back into Sid stuff.

Sid and I in happier times, our first WA winter
I'm going to visit Sid at the trainer's for the first time in 3 weeks tomorrow (been away traveling). I've been talking with the trainer, the awesome Britt Roden, periodically and she says that Sid has been really good. Which is honestly not surprising....other than being a tad lazy he is always really well behaved. So hopefully I'll have some new pics and video on his progress tomorrow. I'm super excited to go see him, especially with riding again in mind. I want to get on, I just never want to have to lead/groom/tack/bathe again haha! The Dr. told me to be really super careful till October, so I'm trying hard not to take things too fast.

Benni pony begrudgingly pulls the cart
Anyway I thought I'd share a pic of my pony, who I have had for more than 10 years, to indulge everyone's necessary intake of cute. He is 22 and spends most of his time bossing everyone around...he runs the whole ranch!

I also visited my beloved Maximus, after he was done teaching me to ride dressage and was not going to hold up for upper level work/showing I gave him to a lesson program in Del Mar. The contract states that he comes back to me when he is an old man and can't work anymore, and although I hope that is no time soon, I will always be honored to take care of such an awesome horse. He gives lessons most days, which is great because he needs to stay active, they give him his special meds, plus some smartpak supps, and TONS of lovies. He looks fat and happy, which seriously could not make me feel better. If anyone is SoCal wants a lesson on a super upper level horse check out Paul Cook in Del Mar.
Me and Max chillin at a horse show in Del Mar
Swimming Tommy in Mission Bay
I went and hung out with my friend and sometimes trainer Leslie Schnieder, a trainer with a predominately H/J barn in Escondido. She helped me with my horse Tommy, a rescue and lovebug that I had for 5 years who I eventually gave to a good friend of mine when I went away to school. He comes back to me she ever has to rehome him. It was good therapy to go out to Leslie's and be around all the sporthorses and riders working hard. Made me miss it!

Me and dearest Garbanzo, aka Garby
Visiting my doggies was another great perk of being home. I brought only one dog and one cat with me to WA (the ones most suited to apartment living), and had to leave the other three dogs, and two cats. Garbanzo (pictured) is my absolute sweetie pie best boy rescue dog who I have had more than 7 years, since puppyhood. I can almost not bear to be apart from him. Eventually, in a million years when I'm done with grad school, I'll have a yard and we will finally be reunited for good! In the meantime he and the others roam the property and run the house in San Diego.

Anyway, I know I already said it, but I am SOOOO EXCITED to see Sid tomorrow. I will update ASAP!