Tuesday, November 12, 2013

More than just a pretty face

My schedule is still crazy busy but I had a friend come to the farm so I could finally get some pics of me actually riding the ponster. She's doing super well...no dumb blond here! I can hardly make a shape or do a certain exercise more than once without her feeling like she's got it all figured out. Her biggest "flaw" is still how stiff she is, but she is making huge strides in terms of learning to move over her back instead of the typical pony nose-in-the-air no bend routine that she started with. 

Tiny pony strides are getting longer

She's never going to be some super athletic big moving horse, but that's ok...I just need her to soften up, everywhere. She's WAY better than a few weeks ago, but still has a tendency to drag when she isn't sure what I'm asking or just plain doesn't want to do it. I'm having a lot of fun with her, and I'm curious to see how "nice" I can make her in terms of suppleness/gaits/responsiveness. Like I said, she's wicked smart, and is now very respectful and tries to be obedient, so the rest will come with strength and time. I'm excited, I love a project!
I know I asked about bits a few weeks ago and I thought I'd give an update on that front. After trying a few things I've ended up with a myler, a brand I've never had before. It's technically a kimberwick, but it has no real port and I've wrapped the bars of the bit and the curb strap with latex so it's nice and soft now. Also it articulates to the left and right so it's much clearer about left vs right than just a straight bar. There is very little leverage, and I mostly ride on the top rein, but the bottom rein is great to have when I need it. 

I still put her back in the HS D to check her progress periodically, as I would like to get her back in something dressage approved eventually, but for now its just what we need and makes riding a lot more pleasant!

She's much better in the canter, I'm making lots of circles and trying to help her get her balance. All her gaits are pretty downhill, which I'm thinking is as much about lack of strength and balance as it is about training. I'm SURE no one has ever asked her to sit down on her hocks before, so part of it is getting lost in translation, but for now I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt that she's chubby and unfit. Still cute as can be though!!!

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